
Key shortcut links: Medicines and doses * CLINIC ADDRESS MAP CALL FOR APPT 8693893295 OR WHATSAPP 9869405747 WHAT BLOOD TEST TO ASK * IS IT URGENT * WHAT ARE DANGER SIGNS * WHY ONE SHOULD NOT ASK MEDICINES ON WHATSAPP OR PHONE * WHEN DOES MY CHILD NEED ANTIBIOTICS ? डॉं कोंडेकर संतोष वेंकटरमण@मुंबई Dr Santosh Kondekar is now also available at Shushrusha hospital Dadar West . Mumbai India. Monday to Friday at 7 to 9 PM. Follow @9869405747 DR SK is a qualified pediatrician with MD and DNB qualification, from India who has specialised himself in counselling parents and children about the knowledge and various aspects of child health, illness, treament, diseases and their doctors. Dr SK is working as a pediatric intensivist and respiratory and infections specialist at Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai India 400012. He has clinical expertise in guiding doctors, patients and also managing various illnesses and / or clinical situation...