World Asthma Day 2015

Paediatricians and chest specialists all over world will be celebrating world asthma day/week today at many hospitals. The theme is 'YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR ASTHMA'..0 its time to act.

In my experience, I feel that the name ASTHMA has always been taken with taboo by many people and doctors, so much so that people have developed myths that..'its incurable..' or 'its a lifelong disease needing life long treatment' 'medicines cause addiction' or once an inhaler always an inhalers'.. These myths are false; but due to this, many children and adults are taken to various different doctor and non doctor specialists; that keeps the patient incompletely cured and hence uncontrolled.
its time to control asthma. the very first way is to  @know that what the child or person is suffering from is an asthma for sure@
This is very important. If its not asthma; how will it get controlled?
The rule of asthma diagnosis needs to be clearly understood that 'ASTHMA IS DIAGNOSIS BY EXCLUSION' and when we donot follow this; we donot get to other diagnoses and get mismanaged.

So when you are not happy with treatment of your asthma; its wiser to insist to your doctor to consider nonasthma diagnoses causing similar symptoms seriously. read more in OTA section at

Once we are certain, it is asthma; the control of asthma can easily be handed over in hands of parents provided:
1. patient/parent have understood the symptoms, disease profile, symptom prediction by peak flow metry and charting and need for charting the symptom diary. Simplest yet best symptom diary for asthma at
2.patient / parent can easily be trained into classification of symptoms and rescue medicine concept by simple training. All patients donot need inhalers or steroids all the time. Remember rule of S at, that dictates the need for steroids.
3. Also, parents should understand the need for 'duration', 'step up-down therapy' and tapering therapy and also the need for allergen detection and avoidance when possible will help the patient be symptom free almost all the time.
4.An early eye on detecting associated morbidities and allergies; milk free diet and simultaneous treatment of any morbidity if any will prevent further symptom exacerbations.
If the education is effectively imparted to the parents/patient and family, schools and community; the reactive airway disease will remain controlled and cured in most cases; instead of remaining a scare with its name as ASTHMA.

@मुंबई Dr Santosh Kondekar is now also available at Shushrusha hospital Dadar West . Mumbai India. Monday to Friday at 7 to 9 PM. DR SK is a qualified pediatrician with MD and DNB qualification, from India who has specialised himself in counselling parents and children about the knowledge and various aspects of child health, illness, treament, diseases and their doctors. Dr SK was working as a pediatric intensivist and respiratory and infections specialist at Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai India 400012 till 2010. He has clinical expertise in guiding doctors, patients and also managing various illnesses and / or clinical situations concerning child health and its aspects like: Growth, Development Social and behavioural pediatrics including ADHD Respiratory illnesses including cold,cough, asthma Cardiac illnesses including congenital defects and rheumatic diseases Renal diseases Gastrointestinal diseases including diarrhea, vomiting, infections. hematological illnesses including anemias and hemorrhages. and various infections caused by various bugs like bacteria viruses and fungus. and many other clinical situations, illnesses, diseases. He has special interest in tuberculosis and other infections affecting various body organs and systems. The answers posted at above website are sole opinions of Dr SK with or without references and personal experience. These answers are just hypothetical and logical assessment of the limited information provided by the parent to the doctor in the form. The doctor being not able to examine the patiet and / or being not able to have access to reports, is practically not in a position to make diagnosis orprove it wrong... or suggest any treatment. Treatment suggested by this doctor at this site is just a hypothetical suggestion in agiven hypothetical limited situation which the parent may use for his basic understanding or discussion with his doctor, and for understanding and following basic health norms. Donot follow any prescription just because it was mentioned at this site. The consultation didnot take place, as the doctor has not examined the patient, legally its impossible to give any online prescription. What the doctor had written here is not a prescription for the given hypothetical case.


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