
Showing posts from March, 2011

Re: Feedback via the Online Free advice by Dr SK

format of an online question answer Name: Website: Upload a File/picture or word file : Post or paste your query here: Dr. Kondekar, I have a question about my nephew. I did try to consult with you last year.| My nephew was admitted to the hospital in Thane c/o cough and fever in 2010 Feb; diagnosed with strep pneumoniae and discharged on augmentin. Three days after the discharge, he was readmitted due to persistent 101-102 F fever. The doc could not figure out; baby had seizures due to hypocalcemia; dehydration ( no feeding) ; baby was in ICU; transferred to Wadia and diagnosed with klebsiella and mild GERD; admitted for almost 15 days and discharged with instructions to elevate head; thick formula and anacids; however, the cough; intermittent cough and fever is not resolved yet; he is on steroid inhaler; currently has cold, cough and wheezing. My question: why he has persistently intermittent fever; almost 102F? Why he still has cough? Will ste...