how to treat fever in children? tips and tricks
Child health specialist pediatrician Mumbai says: Any rise in temperature is a discomfort.. and above 101F it becomes intolerable... and hence requires treatment. 'Highest level of tolerable temp' has no clinical significance as some children show symptoms of hyperpyrexia even at 103 F. and it varies from person to person. Dr kondekar is available for private consultations at Shushrusha Hospital Dadar(w) Mumbai, monday to friday 7 to 9 pm appointment by sms 9869405747 The question is whether do we need to treat the fever? fever upto 101F should be watched.. as it may get cured spontaneusly and it can cure the disease at times. High fever in children, can at times turn lethal; so observing without treatment is no wise. How do we manage: 1.Switch on Fan /AC, not directed towards pt, air in room should be free flow. 2.take clothes off.. no blankets... a common question always asked is what to do if child is shivering...? The answer is child may shiver....